FAVN-01 - Introduction to cloud-based Earth Observation with Google Earth Engine (2021-03-19)

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The first event of the knowledge exchange series took place on 19.03.2021. DLR and the University of Tübingen held a three-hour webinar on “Introduction to cloud-based Earth Observation with Google Earth Engine (GEE)” with 25 participants from different Vietnamese universities. Some of the participants were able to attend in a seminar room of the partner HUIS and were directly supervised by HUIS faculty.
The participants learned about the potentials of Earth observation analysis in various cloud-based processing environments. The focus was on GEE, with which all participants got familiar and learned how to execute basic functionalities and develop own code with examples of the Thua Thien Hue province.

Participating institutions:

  • Hue University International School
  • Hue University of Science (HUSC)
  • Hue University of Agriculture and Forestry
  • Hue University of Education Quang Nam Land Administration Office
  • Ton Duc Thang University
  • Vietnam Institute of Geosciences and Mineral Resources
  • Dia Du Co, Ltd.
  • Nguyen Truong To high school
  • Quoc Hoc high school
  • Chulalongkorn University (Thailand)

Figure 1: Announcement GEE Webinar

Figure 2: Seminar room at HUIS during the Webinar