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FloodAdaptVN Publications


  • Sett, D., Trinh T.P., Wasim, T., Ortiz-Vargas, A., Nguyen, D.G.C., Büche, K., Assmann, A., Nguyen, L. H. K., Walz, Y., Souvignet, M., Bachofer, F., Vu, B.T., Garschagen, M. & Hagenlocher, M. (2024) Advancing understanding of the complex nature of flood risks to inform comprehensive risk management: Findings from an urban region in Central Vietnam. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 110.


  • Wang, Z., Marconcini, M., Nguyen, L. K. H., Pham, T. G., & Bachofer, F. (2023) Settlement Growth Prediction exploiting EO-based Time Series with the Spatio-Temporal Matrix Approach: a Case Study for the City of Hue, Vietnam 2023 Joint Urban Remote Sensing Event (JURSE), Heraklion, Greece: IEEE Xplore.




Conference Talks and Posters


  • Bachofer, F., Lappe, R., Nguyen, H.K.L., Nguyen, D.G.C., Sogno, P. & Ullmann, T. (2024) Coastal Dynamics of Thua Thien Hue, Vietnam: Insights from 35 Years of Earth Observation Data. Oral presentation at EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, (
  • Sett, D., Grobusch, L.C., Schinkel, U., Le Dang, B.C., Nguyen, D.G.C., Nguyen, H.K.L., Garschagen, M. & Hagenlocher, M. (2024) How are households contributing to flood risk management? Empirical evidence from a highly flood-prone urban region in Central Vietnam. Poster presentation at EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria 14–19 Apr 2024, (
  • Vu, T.B., Obaitor, O.S., Grobusch, L.C. Schinkel, U., Sett, D., Hagenlocher, M. & Garschagen, M. (2024) Assessing disaster risk governance effectiveness: a document-based analysis using the READ approach in Thua Thien Hue province, Central Vietnam. Oral presentation at EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, (
  • Gocht, C. (2024) Institutional approaches to flood risk management in Vietnam and Germany - a comparison, Poster presentation at EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024 (


  • Bachofer, F., Nguyen, H.K.L. (2023) The coastline of Vietnam - annual dynamics derived from 35 years of Earth Observation data. International Workshop on Mekong River System and Multi-Dimensional Change under Human and Climate Pressures, 13.-17. Nov. 2023, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
  • Sett, D., Nguyen, Đ. G. C., Bubeck, P., Thieken, A. & Hagenlocher, M. (2023) What drives adaptation to flood risks? Findings from a household survey in Central Vietnam on behavioral factors and their drivers. Deutscher Kongress für Geographie, 19-23. September 2023, Frankfurt a.M., Germany
  • Hagenlocher, M. & Sett, D. (2023) From risk to resilience: lessons from flood-prone urban regions in Central Viet Nam and the 2021 floods in Western Europe. Flood Management for Risk Informed Urban Development Insights Session (GIZ GIDRM & CC), 12. July 2023, online
  • Sett, D., Hagenlocher, M., Phuong, T., Ortiz-Vargas, A., Waldschmidt, F., Behre, E., Bachofer, F., Linh, N. H. K., & Chau, N. D. G. (2023) An integrated approach for risks and impacts assessment to inform flood risks adaptation in urban regions. International Conference on Climate Risk, Vulnerability and Resilience Building (UNESCO), 19.-21. April 2023, Paris, France.


  • Katzschner, A., Reimuth, A., Magnaye, D. & Garschagen, M. (2022) Challenges and advantages of scenario downscaling. Scenarios Forum 2022, 20.-22. June 2022, Laxenburg, Austria.
  • Huth, J., Nguyen N.H., Nguyen, L.D., Apel, H., Paeth, H., Grimmeisen, F., Quang, D.L., Sterzel, T., Reichel, B., Ngyuen, H.K.L., Ngyuen, D.G.C., Garschagen, M., Hochschild, V., Hagenlocher, M., Sebesvari, Z., Schinkel, U., Assmann, A., Souvignet, A. & Bachofer, F. (2022) Observation of climate extremes from space – results from the Drought-Adapt and FloodAdaptVN research projects in Viet Nam. Water Security and Climate Change Conference (WSCC), 01.-03.12.2022, Bangkok, Thailand.
  • Bachofer, F., Lappe, R., Nguyen, H.K.L., Nguyen, D.G.C., & Ullmann, T. (2022) Annual dynamics of Viet Nam’s coastline derived from 35 years of Earth observation data. 5th World Planning Schools Congress, 16th Asian Planning Schools Association Congress, 29. Aug. - 2. Sep. 2022, Bali, Indonesia.
  • Behre E., Waldschmidt. F. & Souvignet, F. (2022) Economics of Climate Adaptation (ECA) – Quantifying Adaptation for Flood Risk. Poster presentation at the Flood Knowledge Summit 2022: From Risk to Resilience, 07.-08. July 2022, Maastricht, the Netherlands
  • Ortiz Vargas, A., (2022) How ecosystem-based adaptation measures reduce flood risk in urban contexts around the world? Poster presentation at the Flood Knowledge Summit 2022: From Risk to Resilience, 07.-08. July 2022, Maastricht, the Netherlands.
  • Bachofer, F., Hochschild, V. Hagenlocher, M.,Sebesvari, Z. Garschagen, M. Schinkel, U., Assmann, A., Souvignet, M., Nguyen, H.K.L., Nguyen, D.G.C., Ortiz-Vargas, A., Waldschmidt, F. & Behre, E. (2022) Integrating Ecosystem-based Approaches into Flood Risk Management for Adaptive and Sustainable Urban Development in Central Viet Nam. Flood Knowledge Summit 2022 – From Risks to Resilience, 07.-08. July 2022, Maastricht, the Netherlands.
  • Schultz, M. (2022) FloodAdaptVN: ein Beitrag zur Schadens- und Risikoabschätzung von Hochwasserereignissen. GeoINTalk, Deutscher Dachverband für Geoinformation e.V., 01. June 2022 / online.
  • Bachofer, F., Lappe, R., Nguyen, H.K.L., Nguyen, D.G.C. & Ullmann, T. (2022) The coastline of Vietnam - annual dynamics derived from 35 years of Earth Observation data. Living Planet Symposium 2022, 23.-27. May 2022, Bonn, Germany.



  • Bachofer, Felix (2020) FloodAdaptVN. Vietnam Network Meeting of BMBF funded projects, 05.03.2020, Bonn, Germany.


  • Bachofer, Felix (2019) FloodAdaptVN - Integration von ökosystembasierten Ansätzen in das Hochwasserrisikomanagement zur angepassten und nachhaltigen Stadtentwicklung in Zentralvietnam. Poster presentation at the Zukunftsstadt conference 2019, 02.-03.12.2019, Muenster, Germany.
  • Le, Phan Ti Cam & Bachofer, Felix (2019) FloodAdaptVN. German Science Day 2019, 30.10.2019, Hanoi, Viet Nam.